Tuesday, January 23, 2018

2018 Forward Progress

2018 Forward Progress Challenge

Moving outside my comfort zone here, I am joining my sister's forward progress challenge this year!

Here it is, my first-ever forward progress project list
  1. / 7. Mitered-Square Afghan: I found some very pretty variegated yarn for my first attempt to make a pieced afghan. I just started this in the last couple of weeks, and my goal is to have it complete by Christmas 2018.
  2. /8. Cross Stitch Initial: Another first, my first cross stitch project since I was a kid! My sister put together a cross stitch kit for me (and one for each of my kids). We are going to all be cross stitch masters by the end of 2018.
  3. /9. Christmas/Hanukkah Quilt: I am embarrassed to say that I have had this holiday quilt "kit" for at least a decade.  My sister picked everything out, wrote out all the directions, and packaged it up in what seems the equivalent of a paint-by-numbers for beginning quilters, and yet I still have not started.
  4. /10. Linen Closet Redesign: While not nearly as fun as the crafting projects, I need the additional motivation to get my linen closet cleaned up, organized, and install a door.  It used to have a door, but I took it off for my cat, who at the time was quite old and needed easy access to her facilities!
  5. /11. Photo Albums: When I first had my daughter, I was good about printing out photos, making albums, framing cute pictures, and generally sharing the photos.  Two years later my son came along, who was equally photogenic and adorable, but suddenly I had a lot less time to organize their photos.  Well, they are now 11 and 13 and I am running out of excuses.  Time to cull the digital disaster and document the memories!
  6. /12. Attic Purge: Again, not a creative endeavor, but one that is sorely needed.  There is a lot to do and even if all I do is make forward progress I will be happy.  There are a lot of things ready for donation (the baby clothes from the aforementioned teen and preteen) along with really valuable things like textbooks from college for technologies that are now ancient, and glorious bins of yarn that may become Forward Progress 2019 projects!
You may be wondering why there are only six projects on my list, but anyone who knows me will be surprised that I managed to make the posting deadline at all!  If I can make progress on all six things on my list this year I will be very happy!


  1. Doubling up 6 projects seems like an excellent plan! Great job on the blog and the post. Let the progress begin!

  2. It looks great Ginny! The list definitely helps motivate you to get things done.
